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Founder's Day Celebrations

On Tuesday, the entire school gathered in the morning for a Founder's Day prayer service. As part of our worship, each grade was commissioned with their service project or partnership for the year and blessed by the school community. We received a frame to remind us of our commitment to service, which will be on display this year in our room.

Aidan Z. holding our service award at the commissioning prayer service on Tuesday.
This year, the fifth graders will be partnering with the TLC Food Pantry in Havertown. Throughout the year, they will be visiting to deliver food, help assist in the organizing of the kitchen, and possibly even organize a toy drive at school during the holiday season! This is a unique opportunity for our students to give back to the community while truly living one of the Corporal Works of Mercy.

On Friday, the fifth graders joined the middle school to help run Founder's Day games and service activities during Community Time. Below are some snapshots of our morning celebration!

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