Fifth graders have been practicing their multiplication and geography skills in class this week. They also took their first Reading test on Friday. To prepare, they practiced on Kahoot!
Sixth graders have begun their first novel, The Lightning Thief. This modern take on Greek mythology has seemed to capture many of their interests; in the coming weeks, they will be writing their own myths as part of their narrative fiction writing unit.
Finally, the fifth and sixth graders have been working together to prepare for next week's trip to College Settlement! They have spent several class periods getting to know each other through ice breaker activities and team building exercises. Teamwork and collaborative experiences are a large part of our trip - the students seem ready to accept that challenge and take on the outdoors!
Sixth graders have begun their first novel, The Lightning Thief. This modern take on Greek mythology has seemed to capture many of their interests; in the coming weeks, they will be writing their own myths as part of their narrative fiction writing unit.
Finally, the fifth and sixth graders have been working together to prepare for next week's trip to College Settlement! They have spent several class periods getting to know each other through ice breaker activities and team building exercises. Teamwork and collaborative experiences are a large part of our trip - the students seem ready to accept that challenge and take on the outdoors!
Please see the slideshow below for all of the important details about our trip. Make sure to subscribe to Mrs. DeLuca and Mr. Hartsock's blogs to get updated photos from College Settlement as soon as they are posted!