This week, Holy Child students celebrated Random Acts of Kindness! The movement, which has spread nationwide with a special focus this year on the week of Feb. 16-22, encourages students, educators, families, and communities to strive to "make kindness the norm" in every day life.
Fifth graders challenged themselves to think about the ways that they could spread kindness throughout the week both in and outside of school. Maybe you've observed your child go out of his or her way to help out with a chore, sibling, or neighbor? They have been recognizing their good deeds anonymously on our star chart. We will quickly be at 100 acts of kindness, but know that the message behind this movement doesn't end when we've colored in each space and the week runs out.
Organized by Ms. Kathol, our director of religious education, each grade picked another class from N2-Grade 8 to surprise with an act of kindness at some point during the week. On Wednesday, fifth grade surprised their Kindness buddies in PreK with stories and crafts. The students each took turns reading Kindness Makes the World Go Round and then partnered up with their PreK friends to talk about how they could show kindness in new ways. (Stay tuned for our craft bulletin board that will soon be displayed in the cafeteria!)
After our crafts, we were surprised by the revelation that PreK were our buddies! To end our morning of fun, fifth and PreK students went outside to enjoy the sun and spread kindness through chalk art in the parking lot. Enjoy the photos below from our time together on Wednesday:
I hope to see many of you at the upcoming "A Night in Philly" Auction on Saturday, February 29th. I am particularly excited about this event, as the proceeds will support the addition of new playground equipment for our students! If you have not already done so, please RSVP today. You can purchase tickets online here: ANightinPhillyTickets
Thank you all for your continued support of the HCA Auction. We are looking forward to a fun evening celebrating with you!