This week, a lively class discussion on immigration from our Social Studies text inspired the students to reflect, research, and ultimately take part in debates on broad topics related to immigration policy in the United States. Tom and Garrett reflect on their similar and opposing viewpoints on immigration during a Four Corners activity. Andrew, Zayda, Charlotte, Sean, and Molly discuss why they strongly agree with a particular statement on immigration during Four Corners. Sean and Zayda present an opposing argument while Sophia, Garrett, and Molly provide the supporting argument during the immigration debate. Tom, Grant, Andrew, and Charlotte present opposing viewpoints on immigration policy in their debate. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In language arts, we recently reviewed how rhythm and rhyme scheme serve as the foundations of poetry. After reading several sport-themed poems in their Journeys text each fifth grader wrote the...